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2008-12-24 [Chimes]: *cough* Daily Poem *cough* :]
2008-12-24 [Duke Devlin]: Hahaha XD You are a strange one, Memz-Face. This poem sucks mightily. But it wouldn't kindly exit my head.. XD So there you go. ;)
2008-12-24 [Chimes]: I like it. ^^
2008-12-24 [Duke Devlin]: Hehe XP Well you would. XD Can't YOU put it up there, then? ;)
2008-12-24 [Chimes]: Um... I'm not sure. *goes to read the rules*
2008-12-24 [Duke Devlin]: Haha!~~
2008-12-24 [Chimes]: Well... Lin says if I have your permission or if you request the help :P Then, yes.
2008-12-24 [Duke Devlin]: Hahaa.. Well, you have my permission. As for help requesting, I don't understand. X_____X Perhaps I need help with that.
2008-12-24 [Chimes]: Well... some people don't know how to edit wikis XD
2008-12-24 [Duke Devlin]: .......... Well., fair enough. :P Memz-Face.. I don't know how to edit wikis. D:
2008-12-24 [Chimes]: XD Clearly!
It is done. :P
2008-12-24 [Duke Devlin]: :O I knowz! D:
:D Fur reelz? I sees. :) Danke.
2008-12-24 [Chimes]: Welcome. :)
You're too modest by the way... you're a good poet. ^^
2008-12-24 [Duke Devlin]: :)
Aha! Modesty doesn't come into it. :) But thank you all the same. :P I find my 'poetry' to be rather bland, myself. XD
2008-12-24 [Chimes]: This one is so not bland! It's got all of its imagery... And the cool rhyming thing, as well as the lack of rhyming. :D Parts of it sound Shakespeare-es
2008-12-24 [Duke Devlin]: (I love that you can actually spell 'esque'. :P)
Ooohhh but what does it mean!? *waves arms mysteriously* :P
Hehe which parts? oO
2008-12-24 [Chimes]: (It has 'que' at the end, of course I can... you know my love of words ending in 'que'. 'Masque' for example. :P And it bugs me when certain people can't. XD)
Well... it means whatever you want it to mean. :P *meaning I can't be bothered to analyse* XD
This bit:
'Let almighty hell be our auspicious inventor.
(Let the heavenly Might be our disgusted 'maker.)
Meet we them as our only selves -
Entrust them us with the sinful desired.'
2008-12-24 [Duke Devlin]: (I definitely know what you mean. ;) You do have a certain love for those words. ;) No matter how often I correct people on that spelling, they completely ignore it. -.-)
Heh XD I wouldn't want to either. ;)
Awhh well danke. :D XD I don't quite see it, but if you think so... XP
2008-12-24 [Chimes]: :D I love them.
Yes, people can be stubborn when they think they're right. XD
I think it's because of 'auspicious' and 'meet we them'.
2008-12-24 [Duke Devlin]: :D
Hahaha Yes. Well, people need to learn to be more open minded. XD Haha. :P
Aha! Well, I can see slightly more now. XD Okay~
2008-12-24 [Chimes]: They do! Like us. :D Our minds are so open... they don't even EXIST!
Seeeee! I'm not mad.
2008-12-24 [Duke Devlin]: Certainly not! You are as sane as a Riding Whip.
'Cause those are like.., crazy-sane.
2008-12-24 [Chimes]: I AM a Riding Whip. XD
2008-12-24 [Duke Devlin]: Exactly! That's why my statement was completely nonsensical!
2008-12-24 [Chimes]: AHA!
2008-12-24 [Duke Devlin]: Quite!
2008-12-24 [Chimes]: Bweeeeeee. Do you have any mooore?
2008-12-24 [Duke Devlin]: Poetry? Nein. xD
2008-12-24 [Chimes]: WRITE MORE!
2008-12-24 [Duke Devlin]: Effort.. D: I have to write this app. :(
2008-12-24 [Chimes]: That's true. XD
2008-12-24 [Duke Devlin]: D: *wails and flails* I think.. I am settling for narrative form.
2008-12-24 [Chimes]: YAY! We like narrative. :]
2008-12-24 [Duke Devlin]: Who doesn't? ;)
2008-12-24 [Chimes]: Boring people.
2008-12-24 [Duke Devlin]: Well quite! I've tried to refrain from using *twitch* third person.. As I hate it. It bugs me that how I am writing is so much like it though. >.> I may change it. XD
2008-12-24 [Chimes]: Show me? :D
2008-12-24 [Duke Devlin]: Nein! >:O Not until I have more than half a paragraph. XD
2008-12-24 [Chimes]: Alright XD
2008-12-24 [Duke Devlin]: :D XD
2008-12-24 [Chimes]: I need food...
2008-12-24 [Duke Devlin]: So do I... *wanders off to make a very healthy crisp sandwich*
2008-12-24 [Chimes]: Hmmm
2008-12-24 [Duke Devlin]: ... *Didn't make one* D: *Was sucked in by tea instead* Wth?!
2008-12-24 [Chimes]: XD Always the tea. XD
2008-12-24 [Duke Devlin]: I know. D: And now it's gone! X____x
Also.. I feel compelled to update/say goodbye to my site. :O
2008-12-24 [Chimes]: Then do so?
2008-12-24 [Duke Devlin]: I am. :O I just messaged myu host for about the third time, asking her to delete my site. D:<
2008-12-24 [Chimes]: Ah. XD She's not very reliable...
2008-12-24 [Duke Devlin]: Fucking isn't. >:(
Very angry. Because I don't want to have a new site ready to go up, before that one is deleted. >.>
2008-12-24 [Chimes]: Ah, yeah. >.<;
2008-12-24 [Duke Devlin]: I mean... FFS. Does she even READ it!? I emailed her too. >.>
2008-12-24 [Chimes]: Maybe she's away somewhere?
2008-12-24 [Duke Devlin]: Nope. She's still editing her site. It's been edited TODAY! D:<
Also.. I am just putting up this banner as my site. XD With a cbox.. Maybe. And a short explanation.
2008-12-24 [Chimes]: Ah, fair enough. :]
2008-12-24 [Duke Devlin]: :) Think it'll get the message across? XD
2008-12-24 [Chimes]: I do!
2008-12-24 [Duke Devlin]: :) I'll show you the full file in a minute. I'm very irritated though. D: It won't log me into FTP. >.>
2008-12-24 [Chimes]: Then maybe she's deleted it... but the hosting service hasn't gotten round to wiping it yet?
2008-12-25 [Duke Devlin]: Nah, turns out the server - Paradehosting - was moving. And she (look on my site comments before it vanishes) neglected to tell me. She seems pretty narked in her last message. But fuck her.
2008-12-26 [Chimes]: Yeah, she did. O.o Her loss.
2008-12-28 [Duke Devlin]: Yeps. >:) I need to check if it's gone now. XD
2008-12-28 [Chimes]: I was going to... but I got distracted XD
2008-12-28 [Duke Devlin]: IT'S GONE. ^^
2008-12-28 [Chimes]: :)
2008-12-28 [Duke Devlin]: :O Finally, eh? ;) Whatcha get distracted by?
2008-12-28 [Chimes]: Manipping... but it isn't going so well... and LocoRoco... XD
2008-12-29 [Duke Devlin]: Oh dear... XD Muppet. :P
2008-12-29 [Chimes]: It's funnnn. :P
2008-12-29 [Duke Devlin]: Sureee~~~
I tell you I got a graphics tablet? :D
2008-12-29 [Chimes]: Nope, but you said it on Bob's Diner... so I knew :)
Draw me something cool? :D
2008-12-29 [Duke Devlin]: Ace. :D Aren't you observant? ;)
Oh yes. :D I'll draw YOU. ^^
2008-12-29 [Chimes]: Yes, yes I am. :P I only really pay attention when you comment though. XD
I'm something cool? XD
2008-12-29 [Duke Devlin]: Haha XD Well that's a good way of doing things. *is vain* ^^
Why yes! :O I actually already did, for a Meme, that I have yet to upload. XD
2008-12-29 [Chimes]: It is!
2008-12-29 [Duke Devlin]: :O
It isn't that good. XD I'll do it later. :P I'm currently trying to draw the Pixie-Fred. :)
2008-12-29 [Chimes]: You'll have to show me that one too. :P
2008-12-29 [Duke Devlin]: Well I would, but you see, the computer decided to crash, when I was colouring his hair. Only then did I realise that I had yet to fucking SAVE. D: :(
*cries* D: HUG ME. D:
2008-12-29 [Chimes]: *biiiiig hug*
Mine did that when I was manipping once! DX
2008-12-29 [Duke Devlin]: *Glompage* D:
It sucks! D: *glompage* Why do computers hate us so!?
2008-12-29 [Chimes]: Because we displease them... >.> DX
2008-12-29 [Duke Devlin]: How so!? D: I am so loving.... D: DX
2008-12-29 [Chimes]: I don't know... never do they tell their secrets...
2008-12-29 [Duke Devlin]: It's cause they are mean. >.>
2008-12-29 [Chimes]: It is! They shall surely smite us for that.
2008-12-29 [Duke Devlin]: They will. :( *saddened*
2008-12-29 [Chimes]: *hugs for dear life*
2008-12-29 [Duke Devlin]: D: *wails and flails*
2008-12-29 [Chimes]: Awwwh!
2008-12-29 [Duke Devlin]: Ahhh well... D:
2008-12-29 [Chimes]: *prances around*
2008-12-29 [Duke Devlin]: I dont' think you did.
2008-12-29 [Chimes]: I would have. :P
2008-12-29 [Duke Devlin]: Pmph. I think you lie.
2008-12-29 [Duke Devlin]: Okay. =3
2008-12-29 [Chimes]: *grin*
2008-12-29 [Duke Devlin]: :D
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